New Baby Turtle

A few nights ago, I had a dream that a little baby turtle was biting my fingers, again and again and again. Of course, I thought, “Aww, I would love to adopt this fellow as my pet.”

Then, a couple days later, my brother found a little baby turtle wandering outside the house, near the garbage cans. No one in the neighborhood has claimed him as their pet, so I’m adopting him.

Here he is:


This little guy doesn’t have a name yet, so I’ve decided to choose a name from the suggestions in the comments section.

I’ll make my decision on May 26, so be sure to post your name suggestions before then.

Halloween 2011

My wife and I carved pumpkins with Rocky Horror playing in the background. Afterward, my wife roasted the pumpkin seeds with cinnamon and sugar. Yumtastic.

Our jack-o’-lanterns. Right after this picture, my pumpkin ate one of my fingers, but that was to be expected.

My wife bought me this shirt at Long Beach Comic & Horror Con. A perfect shirt to wear on Halloween (or any other day of the year, for that matter).

My wife dressed up as a witch. The most beautiful witch in the world, in my eyes.

I just wore my normal “going out” clothes. (A big thanks to Scott Marshall for the costume!)

The little Attic Clown and I had a bit of an argument (emphasis on the word “bit”).

Eventually we made up.

Later that night, Lisa and the little clown and I went to the Fox Theater to watch The Addams Family.

Here I am hanging out with my little buddy before the movie.

I hope you had a lovely Halloween, readers. And if you don’t celebrate Halloween, I hope you had a swell October 31st.

See you in your dreams.

Long Beach Comic & Horror Con

Today, my wife and I went to Long Beach Comic & Horror Con.

My wife and I are big fans of The Guild, so of course we had to go on The Guild Walking Tour. Here’s Sean Becker, the director of The Guild, telling us about the time he swam the English Channel. (Or maybe he was just talking about filming at Long Beach Comic Con last year.)

We got to look at the con program from The Guild Season 5. (I think they call this a “prop” in the biz.)

The Guild panel was fantastic. These here are hilarious people.

Sorry about the blurriness of the following photo. I couldn’t hold the camera steady, because I was terrified. This was the moment when Felicia Day snapped and grabbed her sword. After this, she went on a rampage and beheaded two Boba Fetts.

Me and Bladezz.

Here’s Angus Oblong, creator of The Oblongs, a show that I love.

Angus drew a picture of me as an Oblong character.

My wife and Georges Jeanty. We love his work.

My wife with Gregg Berger (the voice of Odie!) and Walter Jones (a Power Ranger!). Gregg told me that I need to make a TV Show based on my novel Cursed. Gregg and Walter both want to guest star.

Boba Fett (RIP).

John Carpenter. Love him.

And here are some other cool pics.